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Friday, June 24, 2011

Adult ADD/ADHD and Substance Abuse

Adult ADD/ADHD and Substance Abuse

Many adults with ADD/ADHD become substance abusers. Learn why - and how you can avoid drug and alcohol addiction.

Having adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)can shake a person's self-esteem and confidence. And combining an impulse disorder with feelings of low self-worth can lead adults with ADD/ADHD down the path of substance abuse. In fact, studies have shown that many individuals who have ADHD also struggle with drug or alcohol addiction. One study estimates that as many as 25 percent of adults with a lifetime history of substance abuse may also have ADHD. And research presented in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry shows that nearly one-third of young adults diagnosed with ADHD can go on to develop some form of substance abuse.
For years, the drugs prescribed to treat ADD/ADHD, which are often stimulants, have been pinpointed as the link between ADHD and substance abuse. But one study funded by the National Institutes of Health found no link between prescription ADHD medications given in childhood and the risk of substance abuse later in life. However, depression, which results from that low self-esteem and lack of confidence, is a contributing factor to the high number of adults with ADD/ADHD who develop substance-abuse problems, says Don Kerson, M.D., a psychiatrist in New York City who specializes in treating adults with ADHD. "Adults with ADHD are impulsive, and when you don't feel good about yourself, you're quick to act on the impulse to feel better," he says, "even if that impulse is a dangerous one."
Avoiding depression can help adults with ADD/ADHD lessen their chances of developing a drug or alcohol problem, says Dr. Kerson. This means increasing self-esteem and confidence. Seeing a counselor (or a doctor, if you already feel the symptoms of depression or think you're abusing drugs or alcohol) can help. In the meantime, here are tips you can use immediately:
View yourself as a smart, capable person. Give yourself due praise at every opportunity. Stop assuming you "can't" do something, or that when you do execute a task, your success is the result of happenstance. "Acknowledge that when you do something well, it's not a fluke; your accomplishment is the result of hard work and determination," says Kerson. Self-rewarding can boost your self-confidence.
Be lenient when things go wrong. "Don't beat yourself up when things don't go according to plan," Kerson says, "and praise yourself when things go right."
Act, don't react. Before responding to situations that may affect your self-confidence, pause to collect your thoughts. Emotional responses, such as blame and anger, will diminish when you stop, look, listen, and then respond. "Don't get angry for forgetting to follow through with something; look for a positive way to correct the situation," says Kerson. "Then, give yourself credit for coming up with a reasonable, rational solution to the problem."

Evaluate your symptoms with the Adult ADHD Screening Test

Share your successes. Don't let humility keep you silent. "Point out your accomplishments to co-workers, friends, or loved ones so they can share in your triumphs," Kerson adds.
Carry a notebook. You can quickly jot down things you do well, compliments people give you, or times when you feel proud of something you've accomplished.
Reach out to others. Support groups can be very helpful for adults with ADD/ADHD, says Kerson. "Talking with other adults who understand how impulses can lead to bad habits or addiction helps you know you're not alone," he explains, "and that feeling of belonging can be good for your self-esteem." Similarly, 12-step programs can be helpful for people with ADD/ADHD who are tempted by substances or believe they may have a drug and alcohol addiction. If problems with memory, attention, or organization make it hard to attend meetings on a regular basis, ask a friend or family member to remind you or provide transportation.

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