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Thursday, March 10, 2011

HIV Diagnosis Is not a Death Warrant

HIV Diagnosis Is not a Death Warrant

Medical advances have transformed the prognosis for HIV. Being treated by an experienced HIV specialist is the vital first step. As both of you will be seeing a lot of each other over the years it is essential the two of you are able to discuss everything easily.
What the doctor will do.
Firstly the health care practitioner should get a history wanting to know about your general fitness & way of life, do a physical exam and take some blood for a battery of tests. This is the first of numerous opportunities you’ll have to ask appropriate questions. Females should possibly have a cervical smear & pregnancy test as well.
Questions you will intend to raise
There will almost certainly be plenty of questions buzzing in the cranium. A number of factors to bring up may take in the hazards & benefits of HIV treatment, how your chances of developing further conditions can be affected, lifestyle changes, adjustments you could make to keep yourself healthy & get out of passing on the virus.
The blood investigation you will undergo.
When you are initially diagnosed & on a regular basis onwards you’ll have a sequence of blood tests to establish a starting point and enable the effectiveness of the management to be measured.
The CD4 count measures how many CD4 cells in the blood. They’re a vital part of your immune system and help out the body to combat illness. HIV infection affects your CD4 cells, thus making the immune system compromised. The amount of CD4 cells you have is a complete signal of your immune system function and has an effect on the HIV signs and symptoms.
The viral lode test just examines how much of the HIV virus is there in the blood. It is one more measure of the proficiency of the body in combating the virus. you will undergo a HIV RNA amplification or a branched chain DNA test. It doesn’t if truth be told matter which you have as long as you always have the same test carried out for uniformity.
Like a lot of bacteria and viruses HIV may change as it spreads so before any treatment conclusions are ready you will have drug resistance testing carried out. This will help to suggest which combination of medicines most likely to be successful.
In addition you will most likely also have a quantity of regular blood test done, the same that are done in all conditions. These include full blood count, protein levels, kidney function & urine scrutiny.
With all these blood results to hand it helps you & the health professional to discuss your treatment options and plan as a result for a lengthy life. The science being carried out all over the globe means advances are being reported every day so treatment is constantly evolving.

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